Max Power Supply Expanding digital solutions through the fusion of OT and IT
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Electricity, an essential part of daily life and corporate activities, is supplied through the power grid. The global trend surrounding power grids is the expansion of dispersed power sources due to the shift towards renewable energy such as decarbonization. The power transmission and distribution systems field that contribute to the construction of reliable and efficient power grids is a positive field with increased investment and where large-scale and wide-area maintenance is indispensable. The main equipment in power transmission and distribution systems such as transformers and circuit breakers has been continuously improved and innovated to increase the voltage and current capacities. Furthermore, we are expanding digital solutions through the fusion of OT and IT, such as increasing the reliability of equipment through digitalization. Shandong Max Power Supply holds the world’s best power transmission and transformation solutions, and is working on the integration of world-class products, systems and solutions as a leading company in the field of power transmission and distribution systems with high expectations from clients.